Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Update on some kids

Some of you have been asking about the two sisters from Hatti that I posted about.  They are fine, thank God, and still in Hatti waiting for their forever family!    

A Love Beyond Borders
2022 Hudson Street Suite 100-B
Denver, CO 80207
Phone: 303-333-1572
Email: haiti@bbinternationaladoption 

 Another family, that just got word of a travel date to go meet their cute little girl, posted on a little Bulgarian orphan.

I wrote her a while ago to find out on the little girl and the little ones you can see in the background of the video.  I asked about adopting them and what I could do to help and this is what she sent me.
I have it on the side of my blog also if you would like to donate!

Hi Nance,
I am sorry it has taken this long for me to reply to your email about little Boshidara. Thank you for your concern. To my knowledge, she is still alive. I told them to contact me if/when she passes. As for the child in the background, I don't have any information. It IS possible to adopt from Bulgaria. How wonderful that you have blessed 6 children's lives by adopting them into your family. 
You will be glad to know that Boshidara's suffering is not in vain. Because of what I saw, I decided to take even greater action. In a few days, One Heart Bulgaria is flying 3 neurosurgeons to Boston so that they can attend the World Conference of Neurology where for 4 days they will receive extensive training in the area of hydrocephalus and neuro tube defects, which is what Boshidara suffers with. It is our hope that with this special training, Bulgaria's babies and children will no longer have to suffer with the less-than-satisfactory medical efforts of Bulgaria's doctors. We hope this training will infiltrate the hospitals and have a dramatic effect. We will follow up on it.
In the meantime, there are ways to help Boshidara and her orphan comrades to be more comfortable. The orphanage is in need of disposable diapers. Through our donors, we are able to provide the orphanage with $150 worth of diapers/month but they said it isn't enough. If you are interested in raising funds or donating towards diapers, that would be wonderful.
In the meantime, thank you for your support and for your concern.
Best regards,
Deborah Dushku Gardner
One Heart Bulgaria, Co-founder/President



  1. Heartbreaking video, I have watched it many times. It's so hard to come to terms that there are so many children suffering at this very moment. Yet there is so much extravagance in the world. It just doesn't add up.

    How goes the adoptions?
    Are you getting your house ready for all your new additions??? Like building on...ha ha

    I can't wait to see them all home :)


  2. Nance~ I just read your comment, you're hilarious!! It made me feel so good in Ukraine knowing how much you enjoyed my post's :) Really. It takes me FOREVER to type on a laptop, so I was hoping someone was getting something out of it :) :)


  3. Thats awesome news about this little bulgarian baby!!!! I got your message about following our blog once it goes private but you didn't leave your email. You can email it to me at spbasile@hotmail.com or leave it on my blog :) Thanks for following :)


  4. Thanks for the comment!
    Can't wait to see your babies home too!

  5. Hi Nance~ thanks for your nice comment :)

    How are things going for you guys? Specifically with Dennis? I sure hope it's all working out.



About Me

I married my high school sweetheart 26 years ago. Ken and I and have ten of the greatest kids from different parts of the world. We are hoping to bring a few more kiddos home! Throughout the years in our adoption journeys it has made us want to bring some kind of hope to these kids. This blog will hopefully allow us the opportunity to advocate for some of the orphans in the world. Join us in our journeys and the day to day happenings in raising 10 kids.....and counting.