Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We Are Going Back!

Not only going back to Eastern Europe to adopt a someone special we met there but also going back to South America to adopt TWO special someones! We thought if we could handle two different regions at once why the heck cant we do two different countries at once?!?! We are totally INSANE! This has been crazy difficult trying to coming up with the funds. It's not as easy this time around going out to get a second job. The kids need me at home. Not easy having garage sales this time since we just had 5 of them within the last year to raise funds for our last adoption in June plus there really is not a lot left to sell from our things as well as other folks stuff. Not as easy putting overtime in as we always seem to be running to a doctor/therapy appointment for one of the kids. And of course not easy asking for your help again. But here we are as a family sewing up a storm and crafting like crazy to sell things at craft sales, pick up odd jobs here and there and putting all our change in the piggy banks. All to bring home 3 special kids. Crazy? Maybe. But I have seen a small glimpse of the sadness and hopelessness in the eyes of many children and cannot get that out of my mind. I have witnessed that look fade away in the eyes of all my kids throughout the years. So it seems "crazy" for us not to bring more home.
The hard part of adoption, as most of you know, isn't the raising of the kids but the raising of the money to get them home. Adoption is expensive. We are adopting from two countries and the paperwork for one is done and just about paid for. The other, not quite. If you would like to help out by donating to our cause, there is info on the side of the post. If you have any fundraising ideas please let me know! Most importantly please keep all the orphans in the world in your thoughts and prayers. All they want is a family.


  1. Wow! Knock me over! Are you going back to Odessa??

  2. Hi! I'm in MN too. I saw y'all on the news! Beautiful story! Would it be rude of me to ask what adoption agency in MN you are using? We have used Crossroads for 30 years. Just wondering who others are using in MN.
    Thanks! God Bless,
    Elizabeth Archer in MN

  3. You have such a beautiful family!
    Congratulations! I love your picture at the top of your blog.:)
    Amy Lucas

  4. All I can say is, Wow!! Congratulations!!

  5. Oh Nance! Tell me you are going back to Yolochka?! I can't wait to hear more!!!!!

    I made enchiladas until my hands turned orange to help finance the adoption - $20 per dozen but I should have asked for a bit more. Also we had people donating items for a garage sale. That was a real hit!

    God bless you!

  6. Wow!! Good for you! I look forward to following along in your journey. How blessed your family is.


About Me

I married my high school sweetheart 26 years ago. Ken and I and have ten of the greatest kids from different parts of the world. We are hoping to bring a few more kiddos home! Throughout the years in our adoption journeys it has made us want to bring some kind of hope to these kids. This blog will hopefully allow us the opportunity to advocate for some of the orphans in the world. Join us in our journeys and the day to day happenings in raising 10 kids.....and counting.